Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Photocopiers and supplies, Computing, ...

Devillard SA

Rue François-Dussaud 19, 1227 Les Acacias GE

Closed since 17:30
Open tomorrow 08:00 - 12:15 as well as 13:15 - 17:30

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Genève, Bovy-Lysberg
2 Bus Genève, Théâtre
3 Parking garage des Gazomètres
4 Bus Genève, Pointe de la Jonction
5 Bus Genève, Village-Suisse
6 Parking garage David-Dufour
7 Tram Genève, Cirque
8 Tram Genève, Jonction
9 Bus Genève, Sainte-Clotilde
10 Bus Genève, Bains
11 Parking garage Uni-Dufour
12 Parking lot
13 Parking garage Plaine de Plainpalais
14 Parking garage Plaine de Plainpalais SA
15 Parking lot Crématorium
16 Tram Genève, Plainpalais
17 Parking lot
18 Bus Genève, Musée d'ethnographie
19 Parking lot
20 Bus Genève, Ecole-de-Médecine
21 Parking lot
22 Bus Petit-Lancy, Cimetière St-G.
23 Parking lot
24 Bus Petit-Lancy, Les Marbriers
25 Parking lot
26 Bus Genève, Queue-d'Arve
27 Devillard SA
28 Bus Petit-Lancy, Claire-Vue
29 Tram Genève, Uni-Mail
30 Tram Genève, Pont-d'Arve
31 Parking garage
32 Parking lot
33 Parking lot
34 Parking lot Centre sportif des Vernets
35 Tram Petit-Lancy, Quidort
36 Parking lot
37 Bus Genève, Vernets
38 Bus Genève, Dancet
39 Parking lot
40 Tram Genève, Acacias
41 Parking garage Louis-Bertrand
42 Bus Genève, Epinettes
43 Parking lot
44 Tram Petit-Lancy, place
45 Tram Genève, Industrielle
46 Parking garage de la Vendée