Adventure begins with a climb at the foot of the Hohen Kasten, on through snowy Appenzeller winter landscapes to the Ruhesitz mountain guesthouse. Well rewarded once there, with tasty sustenance followed by a speedy valley-bound descent.
As the crisp snow crunches beneath your soles on the way up the mountain, anticipation of the exciting three kilometer toboggan run to Brülisau increases with every step you make. And following a tasty bite to eat there’s sure to be no stopping you! Wind in your face, cool scenes that speed by and everywhere the echo of joy-packed cries...what more could you possibly want....
Starting point: Mountain restaurant Ruhesitz (1310 m above sea level)
Accessibility of starting point: Only on foot
Destination: Brülisau (922 m above sea level)
Altitude difference: 388 m
Length: 3 km
Level of difficulty: medium
Toboggan rental on site: yes
Night floodlighting: no
Refreshments: at the start and at the finish