Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Sporting goods, Online Shopping

11teamsports CH GmbH

Löwenstrasse 2, 8001 Zürich

Closed since 17:00
Open again Monday 10:00 - 19:00

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Car park (almost full) Helvetiaplatz
2 Tram Zürich, Bahnhofstrasse/HB
3 Tram Zürich, Sihlpost/HB
4 Car park (full) Globus
5 Tram Zürich, Löwenplatz
6 Car park (almost full) City
7 Parking garage Migros City
8 Car park (almost full) Urania
9 Parking garage Centrum Garage
10 Tram Zürich, Rudolf-Brun-Brücke
11 Car park (full) Jelmoli
12 Tram Zürich, Stauffacher
13 Tram Zürich, Rennweg
14 Ship Zürich Limmatquai
15 11teamsports CH GmbH
16 Parking garage Stauffacher Tor
17 Railway Zürich Selnau
18 Tram Zürich, Sihlstrasse
19 Tram Zürich, Werd
20 Car park (almost full) Talgarten
21 Tram Zürich, Rathaus
22 Ship Zürich Storchen
23 Tram Zürich Selnau, Bahnhof
24 Tram Zürich, Helmhaus
25 Tram Zürich, Paradeplatz
26 Parking lot Stadthausquai