Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Film and video production, Recording studio, Audiovisual installations

AVB, Audio-Video-Beratungsstelle AG

Nidelbadstrasse 1, 8038 Zürich

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Zürich, Seerose
2 Parking lot
3 Tram Zürich, Wollishoferplatz
4 Bus Zürich, Widmerstrasse
5 AVB, Audio-Video-Beratungsstelle AG
6 Parking lot
7 Bus Zürich, Stadtgrenze
8 Parking lot
9 Bus Zürich, Dangelstrasse
10 Bus Zürich, Neubühl
11 Parking lot Tennisclub Seeblick