Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner


Abri du Bisse

Chemin Sainte-Marguerite 24, 1965 Savièse VS

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Savièse, Mossévron
2 Bus Savièse, Tramillau
3 Bus Savièse, Prafirmin Torrent N.
4 Bus Savièse, Prafirmin-d'en-Haut
5 Abri du Bisse
6 Bus Savièse, Etang des Rochers
7 Parking lot P2 - Bisse du Torrent Neuf
8 Bus Savièse, Binii
9 Bus Savièse, Déjane
10 Parking lot P1 - Bisse du Torrent Neuf