Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Doctors, Gynaecology and obstetrics

Ackermann, Sandrine

Route de Cossonay 55, 1008 Prilly VD

Still closed, open today 09:00 - 12:00 as well as 14:00 - 17:00

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Parking lot
2 Parking lot
3 Bus Renens VD, Sur-la-Croix
4 Bus Renens VD, Saugiaz
5 Bus Prilly, Coudraie
6 Bus Renens VD, Bugnon
7 Bus Lausanne, Désert
8 Bus Renens VD, Follieu
9 Bus Renens VD, Borjod
10 Railway Prilly-Chasseur
11 Parking lot
12 Bus Prilly, Chasseur
13 Bus Prilly, église
14 Parking lot
15 Bus Prilly, Mont-Goulin
16 Bus Renens VD, Bourg-Dessus
17 Parking lot
18 Ackermann, Sandrine
19 Bus Prilly, Perréaz
20 Parking lot
21 Parking lot
22 Bus Lausanne, Rapille
23 Bus Renens VD, Hôtel-de-Ville
24 Bus Lausanne, Parc Rivier
25 Bus Renens VD, Broye
26 Bus Renens VD, Sous l'Eglise
27 Bus Union-Prilly, gare
28 Bus Prilly, centre
29 Railway Union-Prilly
30 Bus Lausanne, Béthanie
31 Parking garage Prilly Centre
32 Parking lot
33 Bus Prilly, Huttins
34 Parking garage Migros
35 Bus Renens VD, village
36 Parking lot
37 Bus Renens VD, Florissant
38 Parking garage
39 Parking lot
40 Parking lot
41 Bus Prilly, Grand Vigne
42 Bus Lausanne, Valency
43 Parking lot