Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Market garden

Annen Blumen

Kirchweg 10, 6343 Rotkreuz ZG

Still closed, open today 08:00 - 12:00 as well as 13:30 - 18:30

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Rotkreuz, Birkenstrasse
2 Parking lot
3 Bus Rotkreuz, Industriestrasse
4 Parking garage Schöngrund
5 Bus Rotkreuz, Bahnhof Nord
6 Parking lot P+R
7 P+Rail P+Rail
8 Railway Rotkreuz
9 Parking lot Dorfmatt
10 Parking lot Dorfmatt
11 Bus Rotkreuz, Bahnhof Süd
12 Bus Rotkreuz, Langmatt
13 Bus Rotkreuz, Lindenplatz
14 Bus Rotkreuz, Schulanlagen
15 Annen Blumen
16 Parking lot Friedhofsparkplatz
17 Parking garage
18 Parking lot Friedhofsparkplatz
19 Bus Rotkreuz, Waldetenstrasse
20 Bus Rotkreuz, Weidstrasse
21 Bus Rotkreuz, Sagi
22 Bus Rotkreuz, Weihermatt
23 Bus Rotkreuz, Küntwil
24 Bus Rotkreuz, Ibikon