Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Kiosk, Newsagents, Tobacco and tobacco items

Au Trèfle à Quatre

Route de Divonne 4BIS, 1260 Nyon VD

Now open until 18:30

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Parking lot
2 Parking lot
3 Parking lot Tattes d'Oie
4 P+Rail P+Rail
5 Parking lot Le Martinet
6 Bus Nyon, ch. Monastier
7 Parking garage Gare de Nyon
8 Railway Nyon
9 Bus Nyon, gare
10 Parking garage
11 Parking lot Place Perdtemps
12 Bus Nyon, route de Divonne
13 Parking lot Hôpital
14 Bus Nyon, CESSOUEST
15 Bus Nyon, Petit Perdtemps
16 Au Trèfle à Quatre
17 Bus Nyon, centre ville
18 Parking garage Bel-Air
19 Bus Nyon, hôpital
20 Parking lot Hôpital
21 Parking garage La Combe
22 Bus Nyon, route du Stand
23 Bus Nyon, Martavaux