Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Hospital, Doctors, Physician on call


Schöngrünstrasse 42, 4500 Solothurn

Now open until 23:59

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Solothurn, Postplatz
2 Parking lot
3 Bus Solothurn, Obach
4 Parking lot
5 P+Rail P+Rail
6 Bus Solothurn, Vorstadt
7 Bus Solothurn, Hauptbahnhof
8 Parking lot
9 Parking garage AG Solothurn
10 Railway Solothurn
11 Parking garage
12 Ship Solothurn (Schiff)
13 Bus Solothurn, Zuchwilerstr./Bahnhof
14 Parking lot
15 Bus Zuchwil, Rainstrasse
16 Bus Solothurn, Schiffländte
17 Parking lot
18 Bus Solothurn, Casablanca
19 Parking lot
20 Bus Solothurn, Schöngrünstrasse
21 Parking lot
22 Bus Zuchwil, Buchenweg
23 Bus Solothurn, Kofmehl
24 Parking lot Nord
25 Parking lot
26 Bus Solothurn, Schwimmbad
27 Bus Solothurn, Hunnenweg
28 Parking lot
29 Bus Solothurn, Spital
30 Bürgerspital-Zentrale
31 Parking lot
32 Parking lot West
33 Bus Zuchwil, Birchi
34 Parking lot
35 Bus Biberist, Enge