Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Audit firm, Accounting, Tax returns

BF Fiduciaire SA

Rue du Mont-Blanc 21, 1201 Genève

Closed today
Open again Monday 08:00 - 12:15 as well as 13:00 - 17:00

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Genève, Grottes
2 Bus Genève, Navigation
3 Parking garage Les Cygnes
4 Parking garage des Arcades
5 Parking garage Care Park Services SA
6 Bus Genève, Monthoux
7 Parking lot
8 P+Rail P+Rail
8 Railway Genève
9 Tram Genève, Lyon
10 Parking garage des Alpes
11 Tram Genève, gare Cornavin
12 Parking lot
13 BF Fiduciaire SA
14 Bus Genève, Alpes
15 Ship Genève-Pâquis (lac)
16 Bus Genève, Prairie
17 Bus Genève Gare Routière
18 Bus Genève, Chantepoulet
19 Tram Genève, Goulart
20 Tram Genève, Coutance
21 Bus Genève, Mont-Blanc
22 Ship Genève-Mt-Blanc (lac)
23 Tram Genève, Mercier
24 Parking garage Grenus
25 Bus Genève, Ormeaux
26 Parking garage du Seujet SA