Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Attorneys at law, Law firm, Legal advice

BMG Avocats

Avenue de Champel 8C, 1206 Genève

Still closed, open today 08:30 - 12:15 as well as 13:45 - 18:00

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Genève, Eglise Russe
2 Bus Genève, Athénée
3 Bus Genève, Petit-Palais
4 Bus Genève, Florissant
5 Bus Genève, Philosophes
6 Bus Genève, Contamines
7 Bus Genève, Place Claparède
8 Bus Genève, Lombard
9 BMG Avocats
9 Delgado, Danilo
9 Fatio, Guillaume
9 Isler, Manuel
9 Navratil, Bettina
9 Perriere, Gwénaël
9 Lekiqi, Mimoza
10 Jessica Cambiati
11 Bus Genève, Hôpital
12 Parking garage Lombard
13 Parking garage Lombard
14 Bus Genève-Champel, gare/Peschier
15 Bus Genève, Krieg
16 Bus Genève-Champel, gare/Hôpital
17 Railway Genève-Champel
18 Bus Genève-Champel, gare
19 Tram Genève, Augustins
20 Parking garage la Colline
21 Bus Genève, Clinique La Colline
22 Bus Genève, Maternité-Pédiatrie