Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner


Bazar de Barbol

Place de Barboleuse 6, 1882 Gryon VD

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Railway La Clairière
2 Bus Gryon, Les Roseyres
3 Cable car La Barboleuse (télécabine)
4 Parking lot
5 Bus Gryon, télécabine
6 Bus Gryon Barboleuse, gare
7 Bazar de Barbol
8 Parking lot
9 Bus Gryon, Le Closel
10 Jaymes
11 Railway Gryon Barboleuse
12 Parking lot
13 Bus Gryon, Sereunex
14 Bus Gryon, Le Chardon Bleu
15 Bus Gryon, Les Saves
16 Bus Gryon, Les Combes
17 Railway Gryon Bois-Gentil
18 Bus Gryon, chemin du Proulard