Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner


Bestattungen Horvath GmbH

Unterer Mattenweg 11, 3920 Zermatt VS

Now open

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Zermatt, Spiss
2 Parking lot
3 Parking garage Urania
4 Bus Zermatt, Untere Matten
5 Bus Zermatt, Wiestibrücke
6 Bestattungen Horvath GmbH
7 Bus Zermatt, Bahnhof
8 Railway Zermatt
9 Parking garage Autoeinstellplatzvermietung
10 Mountain railway Zermatt GGB
11 Mountain railway Zermatt (Talstation Sunnegga)
12 Bus Zermatt, Rothornbahn
13 Bus Zermatt, Getwingbrücke
14 Bus Zermatt, Vispa
15 Bus Zermatt, Brücke zum Steg
16 Bus Zermatt, Kirchbrücke