Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Doctors, General internal medicine

Bizer, Christian

Monbielerstrasse 14, 7250 Klosters GR

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Klosters, Malein
2 Bus Klosters, Pardels
3 Bus Klosters, Fuchsfarm
4 Bus Klosters, Russna
5 Bus Klosters, Kath. Kirche
6 Bus Klosters, Soldanella
7 Bus Klosters, Kirchplatz
8 Bus Klosters, Nutlihüschi
9 Parking lot Gotschnabahn
10 Parking lot Gemeindeverwaltung Klosters-Serneus
11 Bizer, Christian
12 Railway Klosters Platz
13 Bus Klosters Platz, Bahnhof
14 Cable car Klosters Platz (Gotschnabahn)
15 Bus Klosters, Höfji
16 Parking garage
17 Bus Klosters, Vereinapark
18 Bus Klosters, Täschi
19 Parking lot
20 Ski-lift Kinderlift
21 Bus Klosters, Gotschnastrasse
22 Parking lot Alte Eisbahn
23 Ski-lift Kinderlift
24 Parking lot
25 Bus Klosters, Sportzentrum
26 Bus Klosters, Au
27 Bus Klosters, Bündnerhof
28 Bus Klosters, Brügga
29 Bus Klosters, Brachweg
30 Ski-lift Skilift Selfranga
31 Bus Klosters, Stütz
32 Bus Klosters, Doggiboden