Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Doctors, General internal medicine, Practice

Bonomo Coradi, Carla

Asylstrasse 30, 8708 Männedorf ZH

Still closed, open today 08:00 - 12:00 as well as 13:30 - 17:00

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Parking lot
2 Parking lot Hallenbad
3 Bus Männedorf, Dammstrasse
4 Bus Männedorf, Allenberg
5 Bus Männedorf, Glärnischstrasse
6 Railway Männedorf
7 Bus Männedorf, Zentrum Leue
8 Parking lot Mittelwies
9 Bus Männedorf, Kirchweg
10 Bus Männedorf, Bahnhof
11 Parking lot Schifflände
12 Parking garage Zentrum Leue
13 Ship Männedorf (See)
14 P+Rail P+Rail
15 Parking garage
16 Bus Männedorf, Spital
17 Bonomo Coradi, Carla
17 Arztpraxis Seematt
18 Bus Männedorf, Asylstrasse
19 Bus Männedorf, Sonnenfeld
20 Parking lot