Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Psychology, Pilates, Medical oncology, ...


Petersgraben 5, 4051 Basel

Now open until 17:00

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Tram Basel, Riehenring
2 Bus Basel, Hammerstrasse
3 Tram Basel, St. Johanns-Tor
4 Tram Basel, Feldbergstrasse
5 Bus Basel, Erasmusplatz
6 Tram Basel, Kannenfeldplatz
7 Tram Basel, Johanniterbrücke
8 Bus Basel, Metzerstrasse
9 Parking garage MCH Messe Schweiz (Basel)
10 Car park (available) Claramatte
11 Tram Basel, Kaserne
12 Tram Basel, Messeplatz
13 Bus Basel, Kinderspital
14 Tram Basel, Strassburgerallee
15 Car park (available) Europe
16 Tram Basel, Clarastrasse
17 Tram Basel, Burgfelderplatz
18 Car park (available) Clarahuus
19 Tram Basel, Claraplatz
20 Tram Basel, Universitätsspital
21 Parking lot
22 Car park (almost full) City
23 Bus Basel, Bernoullianum
24 Tram Basel, Rheingasse
25 Caba.
25 Balmelli, Cathrin
26 Car park (available) Reubgass
27 Tram Basel, Hegenheimerstrasse
28 Tram Basel, Pilgerstrasse
29 Car park (almost full) Storchen
30 Tram Basel, Schifflände
31 Tram Basel, Wettsteinplatz
32 Tram Basel, Marktplatz
33 Tram Basel, Spalentor
34 Parking garage Ahornhof
35 Tram Basel, Birmannsgasse
36 Tram Basel, Universität
37 Tram Basel, Musik-Akademie
38 Tram Basel, Brausebad
39 Parking lot
40 Tram Basel, Schützenmattstrasse
41 Tram Basel, Barfüsserplatz
42 Tram Basel, Kunstmuseum