Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Dental hygiene, Implantology, Artificial dentures, ...

Cabinet dentaire de Beaumont

Avenue de Beaumont 9, 1012 Lausanne

Closed since 12:00
Open again Monday 08:00 - 18:00

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Tram Lausanne, CHUV
2 Parking lot Pont de Chailly
3 Bus Lausanne, Virgile-Rossel
4 Bus Lausanne, Pont-de-Chailly
5 Parking garage
6 Parking garage des Hôpitaux
7 Bus Lausanne, Fauconnières
8 Bus Lausanne, César-Roux
9 Bus Lausanne, Allières/CHUV
10 Parking garage
11 Cabinet dentaire de Beaumont
12 Bus Lausanne, Béthusy
13 Tram Lausanne, Ours
14 Tram Lausanne, Bessières
15 Parking garage
16 Parking garage Mon-Repos
17 Bus Lausanne, Benj. Constant