Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

French cuisine, Restaurant

Café Gallay

Boulevard de Saint-Georges 42, 1205 Genève

Still closed, open today 18:00 - 01:00

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Genève, Miléant
2 Tram Genève, Bel-Air
3 Parking garage du Seujet
4 Bus Genève, Seujet
5 Tram Genève, Stand
6 Tram Genève, Palladium
7 Parking lot Tribune de Genève
8 Parking garage Hôtel des Finances
9 Bus Genève, Bovy-Lysberg
10 Bus Genève, Théâtre
11 Parking garage des Gazomètres
12 Bus Genève, Village-Suisse
13 Café Gallay
14 Parking garage David-Dufour
15 Tram Genève, Cirque
16 Tram Genève, Jonction
17 Bus Genève, Sainte-Clotilde
18 Bus Genève, Bains
19 Parking garage Uni-Dufour
20 Parking lot
21 Parking garage Plaine de Plainpalais
22 Parking garage Plaine de Plainpalais SA
23 Tram Genève, Plainpalais
24 Parking lot
25 Bus Genève, Musée d'ethnographie
26 Parking lot