Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner


Cafeteria Hintergass

Strehlgasse 4, 8640 Rapperswil SG

Now open until 18:00

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Parking garage
2 Bus Rapperswil SG, Sonnenhof
3 Parking garage ENTRA
4 Parking lot Teuchelweiher
5 Parking garage Schanz
6 Parking garage Albuville
7 Bus Rapperswil SG, Glärnischstr.
8 Bus Rapperswil SG, Cityplatz
9 Cafeteria Hintergass
10 Parking garage City
11 Parking garage Manor-Parkplatz
12 Ship Rapperswil SG (See)
13 Parking lot
14 P+Rail P+Rail
15 Parking garage See
16 Bus Rapperswil SG, Bahnhof
17 Railway Rapperswil SG
18 P+Rail
19 P+Rail
20 Bus Rapperswil SG, Kinderzoo
21 Bus Rapperswil SG, Bahnhof Süd
22 Parking garage OST Rapperswil-Jona