Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner


Crèche La Bricoline

Chemin des Jardins 9, 1993 Veysonnaz VS

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Baar (Nendaz), La Mury
2 Bus Veysonnaz, Pranu
3 Crèche La Bricoline
4 Bus Veysonnaz, l'Arge
5 Bus Veysonnaz, parking Magrappé
6 Parking garage Les Grangettes
7 Bus Veysonnaz, La Fantanette
8 Bus Veysonnaz, télécabine
9 Cable car Veysonnaz (télécabine)
10 Bus Veysonnaz, station
11 Bus Veysonnaz, bif. Clèbes
12 Bus Veysonnaz, La Ramuge
13 Bus Veysonnaz, ch. de Pra
14 Bus Veysonnaz, Greppon Blanc
15 Ski-lift La Combyre
16 Bus Clèbes (Nendaz), Le Fio