Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Permanent Missions to the international organisations

Délégation permanente du Brésil auprès de l'ONU

Chemin Camille-VIDART 15, 1202 Genève

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Genève, Maison des Parlements
2 Parking lot
3 Parking lot
4 Bus Genève, Intercontinental
5 Parking garage
6 Bus Genève, Tourelle
7 Parking lot
8 Bus Genève, Jardin Botanique
9 Parking lot
10 Parking lot
11 Bus Genève-Sécheron, gare
12 Bus Genève, Colladon
13 Bus Genève, Petit-Saconnex
14 P+Rail P+Rail
14 Railway Genève-Sécheron
15 Tram Genève, Nations
16 Tram Genève, Collège Sismondi
17 Bus Genève, Varembé
18 Parking garage P+R Sécheron
19 Bus Genève, Moillebeau
20 Parking lot
21 Bus Genève, Perle du Lac
22 Parking garage Centre Commercial
23 Tram Genève, Maison de la Paix
24 Délégation permanente du Brésil auprès de l'ONU
25 Bus Genève, Mervelet
26 Bus Genève, Motta
27 Bus Genève, Vermont
28 Parking lot
29 Bus Genève, Trembley
30 Ship Genève-De-Châteaubriand (lac)
31 Parking lot
32 Bus Genève, Vidollet
33 Bus Genève, Valais
34 Bus Genève, De-Chateaubriand
35 Tram Genève, Butini
36 Bus Genève, Baulacre
37 Bus Genève, Grand-Pré
38 Tram Genève, Vieusseux
39 Bus Genève, Canonnière
40 Parking garage
41 Parking lot
42 Tram Genève, Servette
43 Bus Genève, Gautier