Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner


Evangelisch-reformierte Kirchgemeinde Tablat-St.Gallen, Kirche Wittenbach-Bernhardzell

Vogelherdstrasse 16, 9300 Wittenbach SG

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Parking lot
2 E-Scooter TIER E-Scooter-Sharing
3 Parking lot
4 Bus Wittenbach, Sportanlagen
5 Bikes/E-Scooters TIER E-Bike-Sharing
6 E-Scooter TIER E-Scooter-Sharing
7 Bus Wittenbach, Hofen
8 E-Scooter TIER E-Scooter-Sharing
9 E-Scooter TIER E-Scooter-Sharing
10 Bikes/E-Scooters TIER E-Bike-Sharing
11 Bus Wittenbach, Gemeindehaus
12 Parking lot
13 Parking lot SOB
14 Bikes/E-Scooters TIER E-Bike-Sharing
15 Bus Wittenbach, Im Grüntal
16 E-Scooter TIER E-Scooter-Sharing
17 Church Kirche St. Ulrich
18 Bikes/E-Scooters TIER E-Bike-Sharing
19 Bikes/E-Scooters TIER E-Bike-Sharing
20 Railway Wittenbach
21 Bus Wittenbach, Bahnhof
22 Mobility Wittenbach Bahnhof
23 E-Scooter TIER E-Scooter-Sharing
24 Bikes/E-Scooters TIER E-Bike-Sharing
25 E-Scooter TIER E-Scooter-Sharing
26 Parking lot Rest Bäche
27 E-Scooter TIER E-Scooter-Sharing
28 E-Scooter TIER E-Scooter-Sharing
29 Bikes/E-Scooters TIER E-Bike-Sharing
30 E-Scooter TIER E-Scooter-Sharing
31 E-Scooter TIER E-Scooter-Sharing
32 Parking lot
33 Bikes/E-Scooters TIER E-Bike-Sharing
34 Bikes/E-Scooters TIER E-Bike-Sharing
35 Bikes/E-Scooters TIER E-Bike-Sharing
36 Church Vogelherd
37 Evangelisch-reformierte Kirchgemeinde Tablat-St.Gallen, Kirche Wittenbach-Bernhardzell
38 Bikes/E-Scooters TIER E-Bike-Sharing
39 Bus Wittenbach, Grünau
40 Bikes/E-Scooters TIER E-Bike-Sharing
41 Bikes/E-Scooters TIER E-Bike-Sharing
42 Bus Wittenbach, Zentrum
43 Bikes/E-Scooters TIER E-Bike-Sharing
44 E-Scooter TIER E-Scooter-Sharing
45 Bus Kronbühl, Kantonalbank
46 Bus Kronbühl, alte Post
47 Bikes/E-Scooters TIER E-Bike-Sharing
48 Bikes/E-Scooters TIER E-Bike-Sharing
49 E-Scooter TIER E-Scooter-Sharing
50 E-Scooter TIER E-Scooter-Sharing
51 E-Scooter TIER E-Scooter-Sharing
52 E-Scooter TIER E-Scooter-Sharing
53 E-Scooter TIER E-Scooter-Sharing
54 Bus Kronbühl, Bruggbach
55 Bikes/E-Scooters TIER E-Bike-Sharing