Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Fitness center

Fässler, Georg

Tannenweg 8, 6410 Goldau SZ

Now open until 21:30

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Parking lot Tierpark Goldau
2 Parking garage
3 Bus Goldau, Löwenplatz
4 Parking garage
5 Bus Arth-Goldau, Bahnhof
6 Parking garage Bahnhofplatz
7 Railway Arth-Goldau
8 Mountain railway Arth-Goldau RB
9 P+Rail P+Rail
10 Parking lot Rigi Bahn
11 Parking lot
12 Parking lot PHSZ
13 Bus Goldau, Kehlmattli
14 Fässler, Georg
15 Mountain railway Goldau A4
16 Parking lot
17 Parking lot
18 Bus Goldau, Bernerhöhe
19 Parking lot
20 Bus Goldau, Buosingen Camping