Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Goldsmith, Jeweller's shop

Fine Art Jewellery AG

Gerbergässlein 16, 4051 Basel

Now open until 18:00

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Car park (almost full) Storchen
2 Tram Basel, Schifflände
3 Tram Basel, Marktplatz
4 Tram Basel, Spalentor
5 Tram Basel, Universität
6 Fine Art Jewellery AG
7 Tram Basel, Musik-Akademie
8 Tram Basel, Barfüsserplatz
9 Tram Basel, Kunstmuseum
10 Bus Basel, Synagoge
11 Car park (available) Kunstmuseum
12 Tram Basel, Bankverein
13 Tram Basel, Theater
14 Bus Basel, Steinenschanze
15 Parking garage Theater
16 Tram Basel, Holbeinstrasse