Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner


Frey, Stephan

Dammerkirchstrasse 29, 4056 Basel

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Parking garage Airport Hotel
2 Parking lot
3 Parking lot
4 Tram Basel, Hüningerstrasse
5 Parking lot
6 Tram Basel, Burgfelderhof
7 Parking lot UPK
8 Parking garage WSJ-209
9 Tram Basel, Voltaplatz
10 Tram Basel, Novartis Campus
11 Tram Basel, Bahnhof St. Johann
12 Railway Basel St. Johann
13 Bus Basel, Im Wasenboden
14 Tram Basel, Waldighoferstrasse
15 Tram Basel, Mülhauserstrasse
16 Parking lot
17 Frey, Stephan
18 Tram Basel, St. Johanns-Tor
19 Tram Basel, Felix Platter-Spital
20 Tram Basel, Kannenfeldplatz
21 Bus Basel, Belforterstrasse
22 Tram Basel, Im Westfeld
23 Parking lot
24 Bus Basel, Metzerstrasse
25 Bus Basel, Thomaskirche
26 Bus Basel, Bachgraben
27 Parking lot Bachgraben
28 Tram Basel, Strassburgerallee
29 Parking garage
30 Bus Basel, Ensisheimerstrasse
31 Parking lot
32 Parking lot
33 Tram Basel, Burgfelderplatz
34 Bus Allschwil, Wänglismatten
35 Bus Basel, Blotzheimerstrasse
36 Car park (available) City
37 Bus Basel, Buschweilerweg
38 Bus Basel, Bernoullianum