Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner


Garage M. Heiz AG

Motorenstrasse 105, 8620 Wetzikon ZH

Now open until 12:00 as well as 13:00 - 17:00

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Parking lot
2 Bus Wetzikon ZH, Kastellstrasse
3 Bus Kempten, Bahnhof
4 Bus Wetzikon ZH, Motorenstrasse
5 Railway Kempten
6 Garage M. Heiz AG
7 Parking lot ALDI Suisse
8 Parking lot
9 P+Rail P+Rail
10 Bus Wetzikon ZH, Widum
11 Parking lot
12 Bus Wetzikon ZH, Robenhausen
13 Bus Wetzikon ZH, Binzackerstrasse
14 Bus Wetzikon ZH, Buchgrindel
15 Parking garage Oberland Märt
16 Bus Wetzikon ZH, Haldenstrasse
17 Bus Wetzikon ZH, Uster-/Weststr.
18 Bus Wetzikon ZH, Sonnenfeld
19 Parking lot
20 Bus Wetzikon ZH, Oberwetzikon
21 Bus Wetzikon ZH, Zentrum
22 Parking lot