Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Municipal government


Stickereiplatz 1, 9240 Uzwil SG

Closed since 18:30
Open tomorrow 08:30 - 11:30 as well as 13:30 - 17:00

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Parking lot PP Lidl
2 Bus Uzwil, Waldhof
3 Parking lot
4 Bus Uzwil, Sonnenbergstrasse
5 Bus Niederuzwil, Sonnmatt
6 Bus Uzwil, Schöntal
7 Parking lot Bahnhof Uzwil
8 Parking garage
9 Bus Uzwil, Gupfenstrasse
10 Parking garage
11 Parking lot Benninger
12 Parking garage Zentrum Uzwil
13 Parking lot Bahnhof Uzwil
14 Bus Uzwil, Mühlehof
15 Parking garage Mühlehof
16 P+Rail P+Rail
17 Railway Uzwil
18 Bus Uzwil, Coop
19 Bus Uzwil, Gemeindehaus
20 Grundbuchamt
21 Parking garage Coop Uzwil
22 Bus Uzwil, Bahnhof
23 Parking lot
24 Bus Oberuzwil, Drogerie
25 Bus Oberuzwil, Evangelische Kirche
26 Bus Oberuzwil, Post