Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Household appliances

Husmann Electricité

Chemin des Grands-Prés 5, 1295 Tannay VD

Now open until 12:00 as well as 13:30 - 17:00

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Commugny, centre
2 Bus Coppet, gare
3 Railway Coppet
4 Parking lot
5 P+Rail P+Rail
6 Parking lot Place du Four
7 Parking lot
8 Ship Coppet (lac)
9 Parking lot
10 Bus Coppet, route de Tannay
11 Husmann Electricité
12 Bus Tannay, giratoire
13 Bus Tannay, village
14 Parking lot
15 P+Rail P+Rail
16 Bus Tannay, gare
17 Railway Tannay
18 Bus Mies, centre
19 Parking lot