Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

University of applied sciences

Institut Tourisme

Technopôle 3, 3960 Sierre VS

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Sierre, Manège
2 Bus Sierre, Chemin des Pins
3 Bus Sierre, Orzival
4 Bus Sierre, Résidence Plantzette
5 Parking lot
6 Parking lot
7 Bus Sierre, Maison Rouge
8 Parking lot
9 Bus Sierre, Itagne/TLH
10 Parking lot
11 Bus Sierre, Sablons
12 Parking lot
13 Bus Sierre, Devin
14 Parking lot Géronde
15 Parking lot
16 Parking lot
17 Bus Sierre, Oasis
18 Parking lot
19 Bus Sierre, Sous-Géronde
20 Bus Sierre, TechnoArk
21 Institut Tourisme
22 Parking lot
23 Bus Chippis, poste
24 Parking lot
25 Bus Chippis, maison bourgeoisiale
26 Bus Sierre, Sentier de Chippis
27 Bus Chippis, Eaux-Vives