Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner


Keel, Luzia

Wächselacher 4, 6370 Stans NW

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Stans, Hansmatt
2 Bus Stans, Oberstmühle
3 Parking lot Eichli Stans
4 Parking lot
5 Bus Stans, Sportanlage Eichli
6 Parking lot
7 Parking lot
8 Parking garage
9 Bus Stans, Spichermatt
10 Parking lot
11 Parking garage
12 Bus Stans, Länderpark
13 Parking lot
14 Bus Stans, Breiten
15 Parking lot
16 Person Keel, Luzia
17 Bus Stans, Kantonalbank
18 Bus Stans, Mettenweg
19 Parking lot Turmatt
20 Parking lot
21 Bus Stans, Spital
22 Parking lot
23 Parking lot
24 Parking lot
25 Bus Stans, Bahnhof
26 Railway Stans
27 Mountain railway Stans (Stanserhornbahn)
28 Parking lot Stanserhornbahn
29 Parking garage
30 Bus Oberdorf NW, Schulhausstrasse
31 Bus Stans, Engelbergstrasse
32 Bus Oberdorf NW, Wilrank
33 Parking lot