Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Communications agency

Kommunikationsatelier GmbH

Pfingstweidstrasse 6, 8005 Zürich

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Car park (available) Puls 5
2 Tram Zürich, Escher-Wyss-Platz
3 Tram Zürich, Toni-Areal
4 Tram Zürich, Technopark
5 Parking lot
6 Tram Zürich, Löwenbräu
7 Parking garage City Parkhaus
7 Parking garage PLS Parkleitsystem Zürich
8 Tram Zürich, Schiffbau
9 Kommunikationsatelier GmbH
10 Car park (available) Pfingstweid
11 Parking garage Parkshaus Prime Tower
12 Parking garage Neue Hard
13 Tram Zürich Hardbrücke, Bahnhof
14 Railway Zürich Hardbrücke