Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Knife maker, Grinder

Kubinec, Stefan

Kirchweg 1, 6048 Horw LU

Still closed, open today 13:30 - 18:30

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Horw, Hofrüti
2 Bus Kriens, Rosenstrasse
3 Parking lot
4 Bus Horw, Wegscheide
5 Bus Kriens, Kuonimatt
6 Bus Horw, Stegen/Kirchfeld
7 Bus Horw, Felmis
8 Parking lot
9 Bus Horw, Kirchweg
10 Bus Kriens, Dattenmatt
11 Parking garage
12 Parking garage Parkhaus
13 Parking lot
14 Parking garage Gössi Carreisen
15 Bus Horw, Zentrum
16 Parking lot
17 Kubinec, Stefan
17 Person Kubinec, Stefan und Veronika (-Birrer)
18 Bus Horw, Bahnhof
19 Bus Horw, Steinibach
20 Bus Kriens, Pilatusmarkt
21 Parking lot
22 Railway Horw
23 Parking garage Pilatusmarkt
24 Parking lot
25 Parking lot
26 Bus Horw, Steinen
27 Parking lot
28 Bus Horw, Rank
29 Parking lot
30 Parking lot
31 Bus Horw, Technikumstrasse
32 Bus Horw, Spitz
33 Parking lot
34 Parking lot
35 Bus Horw, Seefeld
36 Parking lot