Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner


Landolt, Margrit

Längistrasse 2, 4133 Pratteln BL

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Parking lot
2 Railway Kaiseraugst
3 Bus Kaiseraugst, Bahnhof
4 P+Rail P+Rail
5 Parking lot
6 Bus Wyhlen, Im Fallberg
7 Bus Augst BL, Langgass
8 Bus Augst BL, Stundeglas
9 Parking lot Augusta Raurica
10 Bus Pratteln, Längipark
11 Parking lot Augusta Raurica
12 Person Landolt, Margrit
13 Bus Pratteln, Steinhölzli
14 Railway Pratteln Salina Raurica
15 Parking lot Hochbauamt Baselland
16 Parking lot
17 Parking lot
18 Parking lot Raststätte Pratteln
19 Parking lot Raststätte Pratteln
20 Parking lot
21 Parking lot Raststätte Pratteln
22 Parking lot
23 Parking lot