Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Tea, Decoration shop, Secondhand goods, ...


Rue de la Croix-d'Or 11, 2068 Hauterive NE

Closed today
Open tomorrow 15:00 - 18:30

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Parking lot
2 P+Rail P+Rail
3 Bus St-Blaise, gare CFF
4 Railway St-Blaise CFF
5 Bus Hauterive NE, Beaumont
6 Bus St-Blaise, sentier de la Gare
7 Parking lot Coop
8 Lunalo
9 Bus Hauterive NE, Château
10 Bus St-Blaise, Gare Lac
11 Parking garage
12 Bus Hauterive NE, poste
13 Bus Hauterive NE, Rouges-Terres
14 Bus St-Blaise, centre
15 Railway St-Blaise-Lac
16 Bus Hauterive NE, Longchamps
17 Parking lot
18 Bus Hauterive NE, Port
19 Ship St-Blaise (bateau)
20 Bus Neuchâtel, Châble
21 Bus Hauterive NE, Laténium
22 Parking lot
23 Mountain railway Neuchâtel, La Coudre (FUNI)
24 Bus Neuchâtel, La Coudre
25 Bus Neuchâtel, Gouttes d'or
26 Bus Neuchâtel, Favarge