Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Construction company, Road construction enterprises, Remodelling, ...

Marti AG Basel

Güterstrasse 88, 4053 Basel

Closed since 17:00
Open tomorrow 07:00 - 12:00 as well as 13:00 - 17:00

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Parking lot Zoo
2 Parking lot Zoo
3 Tram Basel, Markthalle
4 Tram Basel, Zoo
5 Parking lot
6 Tram Basel, Bahnhof SBB
7 Parking garage Elsässertor
8 Railway Basel SBB
9 Car park (available) Centralbahn
10 Car park (available) Postzentrum
11 Tram Basel, IWB
12 Car park (available) Bahnhof Süd
13 Marti AG Basel
14 Tram Basel, Bhfeingang Gundeldingen
15 Parking garage Südpark
16 Bus Basel, Frobenstrasse
17 Tram Basel, Solothurnerstrasse
18 Tram Basel, Margarethen
19 Bus Basel, Winkelriedplatz
20 Tram Binningen, Dorenbach
21 Parking garage Coop
22 Tram Basel, Tellplatz