Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner


Michel Andrea GmbH

Alte Selfrangastrasse 2, 7250 Klosters GR

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Klosters, Nutlihüschi
2 Parking lot Gotschnabahn
3 Parking lot Gemeindeverwaltung Klosters-Serneus
4 Railway Klosters Platz
5 Bus Klosters Platz, Bahnhof
6 Cable car Klosters Platz (Gotschnabahn)
7 Bus Klosters, Höfji
8 Parking garage
9 Bus Klosters, Vereinapark
10 Bus Klosters, Täschi
11 Parking lot
12 Ski-lift Kinderlift
13 Bus Klosters, Gotschnastrasse
14 Parking lot Alte Eisbahn
15 Ski-lift Kinderlift
16 Parking lot
17 Bus Klosters, Sportzentrum
18 Bus Klosters, Bündnerhof
19 Bus Klosters, Brügga
20 Bus Klosters, Brachweg
21 Michel Andrea GmbH
22 Ski-lift Skilift Selfranga
23 Bus Klosters, Stütz
24 Bus Klosters, Doggiboden
25 Bus Klosters, Eggarain
26 Bus Klosters, Kraftwerk
27 Bus Klosters, Mälcheti
28 Ski-lift
29 Bus Klosters, Oberselfranga
30 Ski-lift