Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner


Musik Oesch

Spalenvorstadt 27, 4051 Basel

Still closed, open today 09:00 - 12:30 as well as 14:00 - 18:30

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Car park (available) Claramatte
2 Tram Basel, Kaserne
3 Bus Basel, Kinderspital
4 Tram Basel, Strassburgerallee
5 Car park (available) Europe
6 Tram Basel, Clarastrasse
7 Tram Basel, Burgfelderplatz
8 Car park (available) Clarahuus
9 Tram Basel, Claraplatz
10 Tram Basel, Universitätsspital
11 Parking lot
12 Bus Basel, Blotzheimerstrasse
13 Car park (available) City
14 Bus Basel, Bernoullianum
15 Tram Basel, Rheingasse
16 Parking garage Reubgass
17 Tram Basel, Hegenheimerstrasse
18 Tram Basel, Pilgerstrasse
19 Car park (available) Storchen
20 Tram Basel, Schifflände
21 Tram Basel, Marktplatz
22 Tram Basel, Spalentor
23 Parking garage Ahornhof
24 Musik Oesch
24 Oesch E. und D.
25 Tram Basel, Birmannsgasse
26 Tram Basel, Allschwilerplatz
27 Tram Basel, Universität
28 Tram Basel, Musik-Akademie
29 Tram Basel, Brausebad
30 Tram Basel, Schützenmattstrasse
31 Tram Basel, Barfüsserplatz
32 Tram Basel, Kunstmuseum
33 Bus Basel, Synagoge
34 Car park (available) Kunstmuseum
35 Tram Basel, Bankverein
36 Tram Basel, Schützenhaus
37 Tram Basel, Theater
38 Bus Basel, Wielandplatz
39 Bus Basel, Steinenschanze
40 Parking garage Theater
41 Tram Basel, Holbeinstrasse
42 Bus Basel, St. Galler-Ring
43 Car park (available) Steinen
44 Parking garage Migros Drachen Center
45 Parking garage Parkhäuser Basel-Stadt
46 Car park (available) Anfos
47 Tram Basel, Kirschgarten
48 Tram Basel, Bundesplatz
49 Tram Basel, Aeschenplatz
50 Tram Basel, Heuwaage