Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Cantonal administration

Office des affaires communales et de l'organisation du territoire

Nydeggasse 11/13, 3011 Bern

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Bern, Rosengarten
2 Bus Bern, Läuferplatz
3 Car park (available) Rathaus
4 Parking lot Klösterlistutz
5 Bus Bern, Nydegg
6 Office des affaires communales et de l'organisation du territoire
7 Bus Bern, Bärenpark
8 Bus Bern, Rathaus
9 Bus Bern, Mühlenplatz
10 Mountain railway Bern Münsterplattform
10 Mountain railway Bern Matte
11 Bus Bern, Tavelweg
12 Bus Bern, Badgasse
13 Bus Bern, Seminar
14 Bus Bern, Liebegg