Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Physical therapy, Craniosacral therapy, Doctors, ...

Physio InForm GmbH

Rosenweg 25, 3007 Bern

Closed today
Open again Monday 08:00 - 12:30 as well as 13:30 - 18:00

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Tram Bern, Cäcilienstrasse
2 Tram Bern, Eigerplatz
3 Bus Bern, Dampfzentrale
4 Parking lot
5 Tram Bern, Pestalozzi
6 Bus Bern, Aegertenstrasse
7 Tram Bern, Munzinger
8 Tram Bern, Sulgenau
9 Bus Bern, Monbijoubrücke
10 Bus Bern, Tillierstrasse
11 Bus Bern, Weissensteinstrasse
12 Bus Bern, Gaskessel
13 Parking lot
14 Tram Bern, Beaumont
15 Tram Bern, Wander
16 Bus Bern, Ka-We-De
17 Bus Bern, Dübystrasse
18 Physio InForm GmbH
19 Bus Bern Weissenbühl, Bahnhof
20 Railway Bern Weissenbühl
21 Tram Bern, Weissenbühl (Tram)
22 Parking lot
23 Tram Bern, Schönegg
24 Bus Bern, Zieglerspital
25 Parking garage Alftechnik
26 Bus Liebefeld, Hessstrasse
27 Tram Bern, Sandrain
28 Parking lot
29 Parking lot
30 Bus Liebefeld, Steinhölzli
31 Parking lot
32 Bus Liebefeld, Liebefeld Park
33 Bus Liebefeld, Lerbermatt
34 Bus Liebefeld, Steinhölzli Märit
35 Parking garage Auberge
36 Tram Wabern, Gurtenbahn
37 Bus Wabern, Morillon