Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner


Praxis für Kinesiologie

Elsterweg 2 F, 3603 Thun

Closed today
Open tomorrow 14:00 - 17:00

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Uetendorf, Walalpweg
2 Bus Steffisburg, Zulgbrücke
3 Bus Uetendorf, Allmendstrasse
4 Bus Uetendorf Allmend, Bahnhof
5 Railway Uetendorf Allmend
6 Railway Steffisburg
7 Bus Steffisburg, Burgergut
8 Praxis für Kinesiologie
9 Bus Thun, Lerchenfeld
10 Bus Thun, Forstweg
11 Bus Thun, Lerchenfeldstrasse
12 Bus Thun, Waldeck
13 Bus Thun, Zollhaus