Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Doctors, Gynaecology and obstetrics

Rombaldi, Florence

Avenue de Miremont 39, 1206 Genève

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Parking garage Lombard
2 Parking garage Lombard
3 Bus Genève, Florence
4 Bus Genève-Champel, gare/Peschier
5 Bus Genève, Krieg
6 Bus Genève-Champel, gare/Hôpital
7 Bus Genève, Aubert
8 Railway Genève-Champel
9 Bus Genève-Champel, gare
10 Tram Genève, Augustins
11 Parking garage la Colline
12 Bus Genève, Clinique La Colline
13 Bus Genève, Maternité-Pédiatrie
14 Bus Genève, Reverdin
15 Bus Genève, Pédiatrie
16 Bus Genève, Calas
17 Bus Genève, Clinique Générale
18 Bus Genève, Velours
19 Bus Genève, Miremont
20 Parking lot
21 Bus Genève, Beau-Séjour
22 Bus Genève, Tour de Champel
23 Rombaldi, Florence
24 Bus Genève, Gos
25 Bus Genève, Aubépine
26 Bus Genève, Crêts-de-Champel
27 Parking lot
28 Bus Chêne-Bougeries, C.-Florissant
29 Parking garage
30 Bus Carouge GE, Fontenette
31 Parking lot Fontenette
32 Bus Carouge GE, Val-d'Arve
33 Parking lot
34 Parking lot Du Service des Automobiles Genève
35 Parking lot
36 Bus Carouge GE, Moraines
37 Bus Genève, Bout-du-Monde
38 Parking lot