Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner


Salon Toni

Zaunplatz 16, 8750 Glarus

Closed today
Open tomorrow 08:00 - 12:00 as well as 13:00 - 18:30

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Parking garage Kantonsspital
2 Bus Glarus, Kantonsschule/Spital
3 Parking lot
4 Parking garage
5 Bus Glarus, Stampf
6 Parking garage
7 Bus Glarus, Rathaus
8 Railway Glarus
9 Bus Glarus, Bahnhof
10 Bus Glarus, Pfrundhaus
11 P+Rail P+Rail
12 Bus Glarus, Friedhof
13 Bus Glarus, Schützenhaus
14 Salon Toni
15 Parking lot
16 Parking lot Gemeinde Glarus
17 Parking lot SBB
18 Parking lot Kasernenstrasse
19 Bus Ennenda, Villastrasse
20 Ski-lift Skilift Dreieck
21 Bus Ennenda, Gemeindehaus
22 Bus Ennenda, Bahnhof
23 Railway Ennenda
24 Bus Ennenda, Wiese/Salem
25 Parking lot Gemeinde Glarus