Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Household appliances, Repairs, Electric installations

Schläppi Roland GmbH

Wallbachstrasse 4, 3775 Lenk im Simmental BE

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Lenk, Lehn
2 Bus Lenk, Stein
3 Bus Lenk, Waldrand
4 Schläppi Roland GmbH
5 Bus Lenk, Erlebnisbad
6 Ski-lift Kinderskilift Mauren
7 Ski-lift Kinderskilift Mauren
8 Railway Lenk im Simmental
9 Parking lot
10 Chair lift Wallegg (Talstation)
11 Ski-lift Mauren
12 Bus Lenk im Simmental, Bahnhof
13 Bus Lenk, Marktplatz
14 Parking lot
15 Parking lot
16 Parking lot Kreuz
17 Bus Lenk, Gemeindehaus
18 Parking lot