Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Boat rental, Boating school, Sailing school

Segel- und Motorbootschule Hauterive

Chemin de la Marnière 65, 2068 Hauterive NE

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 P+Rail P+Rail
2 Bus St-Blaise, gare CFF
3 Railway St-Blaise CFF
4 Bus Hauterive NE, Beaumont
5 Bus St-Blaise, sentier de la Gare
6 Parking lot Coop
7 Bus Hauterive NE, Château
8 Bus St-Blaise, Gare Lac
9 Parking garage
10 Bus Hauterive NE, poste
11 Bus Hauterive NE, Rouges-Terres
12 Bus St-Blaise, centre
13 Railway St-Blaise-Lac
14 Bus Hauterive NE, Longchamps
15 Parking lot
16 Bus Hauterive NE, Port
17 Ship St-Blaise (bateau)
18 Bus Neuchâtel, Châble
19 Bus Hauterive NE, Laténium
20 Parking lot
21 Mountain railway Neuchâtel, La Coudre (FUNI)
22 Bus Neuchâtel, La Coudre
23 Segel- und Motorbootschule Hauterive
24 Bus Neuchâtel, Gouttes d'or
25 Bus Neuchâtel, Favarge
26 Ship Hauterive NE débarcadère
27 Bus Neuchâtel, Monruz
28 Bus Neuchâtel, Falaises