Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Water sports/aquatics, Nautical science, Boat accessories


Seestrasse 71, 8820 Wädenswil ZH

Still closed, open today 08:30 - 11:30 as well as 14:00 - 18:00

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Parking garage
2 Parking lot Coop
3 Ship Wädenswil (See)
4 Parking garage Florhof
5 Bus Wädenswil, Coop
6 Bus Wädenswil, Schwanen
7 Bus Wädenswil, Bahnhof
8 Railway Wädenswil
9 Bus Wädenswil, Sonnenrainstrasse
10 Parking lot Lindenstrasse
11 P+Rail P+Rail
12 Bus Wädenswil, Schmiedstube
13 Parking lot Gasiplatz
14 Parking lot Eidmatt
15 Segelklinik
16 Bus Wädenswil, Schlossbergstrasse
17 Bus Wädenswil, Campus Rothus
18 Bus Wädenswil, Mühlebach
19 Bus Wädenswil, Giessen
20 Bus Wädenswil, Töbelibach
21 Bus Wädenswil, Meierhof