Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Cantonal administration

Service de l'énergie et de l'environnement

Rue du Tombet 24, 2034 Peseux NE

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Neuchâtel, Pont des Parcs
2 Bus Neuchâtel, Vauseyon
3 Bus Neuchâtel, Draizes
4 Parking lot
5 Bus Neuchâtel, Les Carrels
6 Bus Neuchâtel, Beauregard
7 Bus Peseux, Vignoble
8 Parking lot
9 Bus Peseux, temple
10 Bus Neuchâtel, Cimetière
11 Parking lot
12 Bus Neuchâtel, Caselle
13 Parking lot
14 Bus Peseux, Tombet
15 Bus Peseux, Cévenols
16 Service de l'énergie et de l'environnement
17 P+Rail P+Rail
17 Railway Les Deurres
18 Parking lot
19 Bus Peseux, Placeules
20 Bus Peseux, Fornachon
21 Bus Neuchâtel, Grise-Pierre
22 P+Rail P+Rail
23 Railway Neuchâtel-Serrières
24 Parking lot
25 Bus Neuchâtel, Tivoli
26 P+Rail P+Rail
27 Railway Corcelles-Peseux
28 Bus Corcelles NE, Place de la Gare
29 Parking lot
30 Bus Neuchâtel, Battieux
31 Bus Neuchâtel, Serrières (bus)
32 Railway Neuchâtel Port-de-Serrières
33 Parking lot
34 Ship Neuchâtel-Serrières (bateau)
35 Railway Neuchâtel Serrières Ruau