Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner


Service de la prévoyance sociale

Route des Cliniques 17, 1700 Fribourg

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Fribourg, Arsenaux
2 Bus Fribourg, J. Vogt
3 Bus Fribourg, bluefactory
4 Parking lot de Beaumont centre
5 Bus Fribourg, Industrie
6 Bus Fribourg, Beaumont
7 Bus Fribourg, Fonderie
8 Bus Fribourg, Champriond
9 Bus Fribourg, Charmettes
10 Bus Fribourg, Jardin botanique
11 Bus Fribourg, Plateau-de-Pérolles
12 Bus Fribourg, Rte de la Glâne
13 Service de la prévoyance sociale
14 Bus Villars-sur-Glâne, Derrey
15 Parking garage HEIA-FR
16 Bus Fribourg, Pisciculture
17 Bus Villars-sur-Glâne, Marteray
18 Bus Villars-sur-Glâne, Le Moléson
19 Parking lot Place de la Pisciculture
20 Parking lot