Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Computing, Planning, Environmental protection and technology, ...

Sigmaplan AG

Thunstrasse 91, 3006 Bern

Still closed, open today 08:00 - 12:00 as well as 13:30 - 17:00

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Bern, Mühlenplatz
2 Bus Bern, Schosshalde
3 Car park (available) Casino
4 Mountain railway Bern Matte
4 Mountain railway Bern Münsterplattform
5 Bus Bern, Tavelweg
6 Bus Bern, Badgasse
7 Bus Bern, Giacomettistrasse
8 Tram Bern, Ostring
9 Bus Bern, Seminar
10 Bus Bern, Liebegg
11 Tram Bern, Helvetiaplatz
12 Parking lot Campus
13 Tram Bern, Sonnenhof
14 Bus Bern, Spital Sonnenhof
15 Tram Bern, Luisenstrasse
16 Tram Bern, Burgernziel
17 Sigmaplan AG
18 Tram Bern, Brunnadernstrasse
19 Tram Bern, Thunplatz
20 Tram Bern, Weltpostverein
21 Bus Bern, Petruskirche
22 Parking lot
23 Parking lot
24 Bus Bern, Tierpark
25 Parking lot
26 Parking lot
27 Tram Bern, Egghölzli
28 Bus Bern, Willadingweg
29 Bus Bern, Luternauweg