Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Ophthalmic clinics, Eye center, Doctors, ...

Tagesklinik Prof. Bangerter & Dr. Jäger AG

Obere Bahnhofstrasse 37, 9500 Wil SG

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Wil SG, Höhenstrasse
2 Bus Bronschhofen, Bildfeld Nord
3 Bus Wil SG, Neualtwil
4 Bus Wil SG, Breitenloo
5 Bus Wil SG, Oelberg
6 Parking lot
7 Bus Wil SG, Rosenberg
8 Bus Wil SG, Eggfeld
9 Bus Wil SG, Krebsbachbrücke
10 Bus Bronschhofen, Bildfeld Mitte
11 Bus Wil SG, Kapuziner Kloster
12 Parking lot
13 Bus Wil SG, Neulanden
14 Bus Wil SG, Kreuzackerstrasse
15 Bus Wil SG, Sonnenberg
16 Bus Wil SG, Adler
17 Parking lot
18 Parking lot Paradisli
19 Bus Wil SG, Spital
20 Parking garage WIPA Parkhaus Altstadt
21 Bus Bronschhofen, Bildfeld Süd
22 Parking lot Viehmarkt
23 Parking lot Bleicheplatz
24 Parking lot Parkplatz Spital Wil
25 Bus Wil SG, Rose
26 Parking lot Parkplatz Spital Wil
27 Bus Wil SG, Pflegezentrum
28 Bus Wil SG, Zürcherstrasse
29 Tagesklinik Prof. Bangerter & Dr. Jäger AG
30 Bus Wil SG, Psychiatrie
31 Parking lot
32 Bus Wil SG, Schwanen
33 Parking lot
34 Bus Wil SG, Winkelriedstrasse
35 Bus Wil SG, Lenzenbüel
36 Bus Wil SG, Stadtmarkt
37 Parking lot Rudenzburg
38 Parking garage Wipa Wiler Parkhaus
39 Bus Wil SG, Gallusstrasse
40 Bus Wil SG, Weidle
41 Bus Wil SG, Rudenzburg
42 Bus Wil SG, Klosterwiese
43 Parking garage Bahnhof
44 Bus Wil SG, Bahnhof
45 Parking garage Migros
46 P+Rail P+Rail
46 Railway Wil SG
47 Bus Wil SG, Rössli
48 Parking lot
49 Parking lot
50 Bus Wil SG, Bahnhof Süd
51 Bus Wil SG, Schönengrundweg
52 Bus Wil SG, Flurhof
53 Bus Wil SG, Kantonsschule
54 Parking lot Parkplatz Lindenhof
55 Parking lot Stadt Wil
56 Bus Wil SG, STIHL
57 Bus Wil SG, Reuttistrasse
58 Parking lot
59 Bus Wil SG, Lindenhof
60 Parking lot Langacker
61 Bus Wil SG, Bergholz