Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner


Thiévent, Dominique, Maeva, Denis et Cazzaro Thiévent Katia

Rue Joseph-Hyacinthe Barman 4, 1890 St-Maurice VS

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Cable car Fort Cindey
2 Bus St-Maurice VS, Grotte aux Fées
3 Bus Lavey-Village, centre
4 Bus Lavey-Village, Prés Râpets
5 Person Thiévent, Dominique, Maeva, Denis et Cazzaro Thiévent Katia
6 Bus St-Maurice VS, Terreaux
7 Parking lot
8 Railway St-Maurice
9 Bus St-Maurice VS, gare
10 P+Rail P+Rail
11 Bus St-Maurice VS, Midi
12 Parking lot
13 Cable car St-Maurice (Arsenal)
14 Parking lot
15 Cable car Pro du Scex (Forteresse)
16 Bus St-Maurice VS, Clinique St-Amé
17 Parking lot
18 Parking lot